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Group Singing Classes in Worcestershire

Rebecca Schwarz running a group singing class at the International Congress of Voice Teachers

I am back from the International Congress of Voice Teachers where I ran a really successful workshop. I will blog about it but I am waiting for photos and more reviews, (the one I have received is pretty amazing though!) I loved running the workshop and I remembered how much I love teaching group singing classes.

I am now offering group singing lessons from my studio.

At the moment there is only one group class a month (with one extra class on a different day). So if you want to work in a group setting now is your chance.

The primary purpose is to help the singers I’m working with prepare for the Vocalist Concert in November, (a concert you can participate in if you are working with me on a regular basis), however we will work on whatever you want to work on.

How it works

First 10 minutes – group warm up

10 minutes – each singer works for 10 minutes on whatever they choose.

Last 10 minutes to wrap up and make sure everyone is happy.

The main focus

The benefit of a group singing class is just that, the group nature of the class. Singers will help each other by being either audience members or by helping the singer who is working to engage with their material. If technical singing challenges are being worked on then I will lead the whole group in working on the exercises involved.

If you know me you know that I like to work in a responsive way and let the singer lead me where they want to go so I can’t tell much more than that.


The class will be at my studio in Alvechurch. The current plan is for the class to be on a Monday evening at 7.30 however I am offering one class on a Saturday morning. If the Saturday proves more popular I may move the class time/day going forwards.

If you want to attend but there are logistical barriers please let me know.

There are a maximum of 7 attendees (and a minimum of 3).

If you have any more questions do please send me an email on

This is a great way to see how I work. However if you want to see more of how I work before booking in then check me out here – link to resources on this website or here to see my YouTube stuff or here to see my reviews (although I think the last one needs some updating).

I am so incredibly excited to be back teaching group singing classes again!

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