Here is where you get to see me in action and I give you free singing help.
I share how I work with singers
Stretches For Singing
I recommend you start with the stretches video. These singing stretches will really help your singing.
You can also download the stretches as a PDF on this page – Singers’ Stretches.
Warm Up Videos
Here are two warm up videos of free singing lessons. One of them was done for a Youtube video and one of them was me doing a warm up for my choir. The choir said that they loved it so I shared it. It’s all about sharing the free singing help. Can you tell which one is the planned warm up and which is off the cuff?
Another video to help your singing – warm up 2
Here is an example of me teaching a lesson.
As you can tell Molly is pretty fearless, none of my shy singers would agree to let me film and share their lessons so you don’t get to see how I work with them. Don’t worry if you’re not as confident as Molly.
Hopefully you can see how I like to work in an exploratory way to find what is right for the singer in front of me. Check out Molly here.
Here is a video singing higher. One of them is public on Youtube but the other I’m only sharing here as it’s pretty funny and I laugh too much.
I love making videos to help people. If you have anything you would like me to create a video about get in touch via the contact page to tell me what you want help with.
All singers who work with me have access to videos of previous group classes amongst other benefits. If you’re already working with me make sure you have the password for this page – Members’ Page
If you want to know more about working with me get in touch to either book a chat or sign up for your initial consultation.