Do You Have Super Powers? I think I do. I have a lot of energy. I find it hard to stay still and almost impossible to sit “properly” on a chair.
I’m constantly distracted and I lose my keys and phone on a daily basis.
But when I get onto a task I am ON it!
I like extremes. As a teenager I loved Kate Bush and Alison Moyet and I tried to emulate both*
When I love a song I LOVE it! It makes my soul soar and my heart beat gets louder in my chest (but weirdly my fitbit doesn’t change). If I am interested in something I throw myself into it. An example would be the work I’ve done in lock down. I’ve qualified as an NLP practitioner, studied and gained my Level 3 in Counselling, studied Somatic Experiencing in relation to stage fright and attended an online Trauma Summit. Then I realised I may have taken on too much, got very tired and was very lazy for a month.
I lose confidence quickly if I think I’m not getting something right. I benefit from a guide who can tell me if I’m moving in the right direction and not off on some sort of random tangent.** This means that I need regular check-ins from a mentor/teacher/guide who genuinely gives a crap about me and my journey.
Apparently these are traits of ADHD (or whatever you call the very energetic and distractible people). I’m not a psychologist and I can’t get an official assessment for love nor money so I can’t be sure but I come up very high on the online tests for ADHD!
I think it’s a super power.
I’ve watched enough super hero movies to know that you have to learn how to manage your powers so that they are useful and not debilitating***. The energy I feel can be exhausting when it’s not used/applied but when it is focussed in the right places it burns a glorious blaze.
Does any of this sound familiar to you? Do You Have Super Powers?
I consider myself lucky enough to attract singers, (and those who don’t yet consider themselves to be singers), who are similar to how I’ve described myself above. I’m not sure how they find me but they do and I’m so glad when they do. I love their passion, I love how they are excited by the little things and tell me about their latest obsessions. It’s a privilege to reassure them about their progress when they worry that things are going in the right direction or aren’t moving fast enough.
I love their (your) passion. I love how much you care about singing. I understand that you worry that you’re not getting it “right” but there are many ways to get this right and we will keep playing until we find the exercise or technique or movement or whatever it is, that moves and excites you.
If this speaks to you and you want to improve your singing get in touch because I want to work with you.
I had so many comments on my comments that I have written them below.
If you are struggling I do recommend you get help. If you’re struggling a bit and want to look at some new strategies I recommend this course.
Activate Your Life.
* I was more successful as Kate but I’m better at Alison now, well sort of, there’s only one voice that rich and delicious.
** I got an E in one of my final year essays at uni because I was so angry at the slave owners in Gone With the Wind.
*** I’m currently loving the Umbrella Academy, I’m glad I’m not Vanya but she had to stop suppressing her powers with meds to be able to play her music emotionally, which is interesting to me.
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