I really don’t do this very often and I realised it’s been a while, although I didn’t realise how long. My excuse is pretty good, I had a baby, but still he’s very old now, 5 months and it’s time to tell you about the stuff I’ve been doing.
I’ll start with choir related stuff…
Cantare Choir (initially the Northfield Community Choir), has grown loads and now has 47 regular members! We performed at the Northfield Arts Forum “Arts March” Wrap Party (which is quite a mouthful, I didn’t write the name) and it was amazing. We performed at the event last year and there were about 7 of us, cowering on the stage. This year we were too plentiful to fit on the stage and had to stand in front. The choir are sounding really great. In the words of one of our members very honest husband; Until now we have been ok with moments of being really good, in this performance we were really good with moments on being ok. (I’m paraphrasing but you get the gist).
I’m also about to set up my new daytime choir. I’m going with the name Cantare again (as there is a chance a couple of folks have heard of us and so it seems to make sense) but I’m calling it Cantare Daytime.
My initial plan was to set up 2 daytime choirs, one for for new mums, (and pregnant ladies), where they are welcome to bring their babies along and be able to have a good old sing. There are so many activities for the babies and so little for the parents that I want to begin to address that balance. I want to call this group Cantare Screamers.
The main daytime choir would be for anyone else who wants to come to a choir in the daytime. I know that lots of people don’t like driving in the dark and others work shifts or are unable to go out in the evening due to childcare or other reasons. I’m sure there are lots of other reasons why people can’t go to an evening choir and would prefer a daytime choir. So I’m setting one up.
For now I’m setting up the choirs together and if they prove popular then I may split them up into the two different groups. I really want to run a choir with the name “screamers” just so that I can say the name to people.
I’m in the process of creating the poster which will tell all but for now the new choir will be:
Where? Rowheath Pavillion, Bournville, Birmingham
When? Tuesdays, 9.30 – 10.30
How Much? – £5 a week but pay for 4 weeks and get one free.
Please let me know if there is anything I’ve not mentioned.
Maybe see you there