Doing the brave stuff
Last night I conquered a new frontier for me. I presented some of my work for a group of my peers. I’m in a support group for singing teachers, lots are in America and Canada and some of them are really impressive folks. So many voice Drs. So many people who have written impressive singing books. Like Elizabeth Benson who wrote this book and Cynthia Vaughn who wrote this book.

So I was really nervous. It’s kind of ironic as, after running workshops in schools for 6+ years I am happy to do public speaking. I’m very happy chatting with an audience, in fact at times I’m too happy and say completely inappropriate things, as though I forget that I have a mic and am addressing lots of people and think I’m chatting with a couple of friends at the pub.
But I have stage fright when I do something that is new, or something that I don’t feel confident or fully prepared for. Last night, presenting for my peers for the first time was one such time. It was blinking terrifying.
I have learned to trust that I am good at presenting and that I know my stuff. But it was hard yesterday. I was so scared. I needed to apply the techniques I was teaching.
The actual class – “Stage Fright – Pick ‘n’ Mix”

The class is called “Stage Fright – Pick ‘n’ Mix” as I share a selection of techniques that I think can help with stage fright. The participants dabble in a bit of each technique and grade them for effectiveness and ease. Then they are able to choose which they want to use going forwards. Like when you choose your sweets at the pick ‘n’ mix.
Firstly I started off by explaining that I started as an actor, have had a long and varied journey through mental health exploration and the ways that I am, (and am not), qualified to present this work.
I talked a bit about the brain (I shared the hand brain from Dan Siegel) and the nervous system (I shared a lovely image from Somatic Experiencing of the SNS being a rocket and the PNS being a parachute).
Helpful Resource
I’m not going to go into details of the actual techniques as it’s all part of the stage fright class that I run but I created a resource to share that lists the techniques that I shared and loads of resources that people suggested.
Click on the image below to download the free resource.

Do you want to combat your stage fright?
If you want to be on the waiting list for the next time I run contact me and ask to be added to the list. To know more about the full course see the below page.
I’m available to run workshops for your groups/workplaces about stage fright. The techniques would work for anyone who struggles with public presentation of any kind. Contact me if you want to know be informed about the next stage fright class or to book me for your group or workplace.