Time is our most valuable commodity.
With this in mind I have put together a handout and then a series of 4 explanatory, follow up emails.
The aim of this series is to empower you with knowledge to make your voice stronger in day to day life without taking up much time.
You want to have a stronger and more flexible voice and I want to help you do that.
This is the start of me committing to weekly educational emails and blogs, tips and tricks and musings, to empower your vocal journey.
So look out for next week’s blog, or, even better, sign up to my mailing list at the link at the bottom of this blog.
The first one is “YOUR BODY” was published on Friday 22 Jan. I hope you find it useful.
The stretches that I recommend focus on the spine, shoulders, neck, tongue and jaw. They are a collection of exercises that were recommended by colleagues from dancers, physios and other singing teachers.
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