New Availability
Now that my youngest child is at school I am now available to teaching during the day most days, and also on certain evenings.
Studying, Writing
I signed up to attend a course in Advanced Anatomy for the Voice Professional. I figured if I was going to attend then I should really do the Certified Pathway and do some written assignments. Get a qualification.
Then I attended the course, felt my mind blown quite a few times, and then sat down to do the assignments. I had a lot of fun writing an article explaining how the voice works and was extremely lucky that my clever friend drew some ace pictures for me to use. I’m really looking forward to sharing it on here when I have finished the final draft and submitted it.
For my other assignment I can’t decide whether to study methods for smoothing out passaggios or the ways that dancers need to utilise their bodies in a different way to other singers.
Either way I’m really looking forward to doing the reading (when I get the time), and learning new things. Loving the learning, it’s great.
I have been part of the Educational Working Party for the British Voice Association for quite a few months now and the first event that we started plotting so many month ago is now open for booking. I’m so proud to be able to tell my students about this event. It is about connecting with your whole body, and how difficulties elsewhere in the body can negatively impact voice use.
Here is a information on how to book in for the event.
And I can’t give proper details of the day that I’m plotting for March (or possibly May). We have some fantastic people signed up to present a day about something very close to my heart (and my work).