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One Off Performance

I’m approaching my next performance from a different direction and selling tickets before confirming the venue.  It’s via a website called Kickstarter and you can buy tickets on their site.  I have set an amount that we need to make to be able to pay the engineer, the pianist and myself, (and Kickstarter’s charges), If we raise that amount then the show goes on.  If we are even a little short on the amount then it doesn’t and no one has spent any money.  So there is no risk in paying the money, you only get charged if the show happens.


For the show I will take off my favourite comedic and dramatic songs from my previous shows and share them with the audience along with the usual chat.  I also plan to include another dark set as the previous one was so well received.


Comments about my previous shows include:

“Marvellous. The most entertaining show i’ve been to in years, and i’m not even a new mother! The lyrics & delivery were as good as Victoria Wood at her best”

“An amazing performance from a very talented and funny lady – I laughed and I cried – she touched the nerves of everyday life and brought the audience alive – to say I was impressed would be an understatement – can’t wait to see the next performance. Fabulous!”

“A fantastic show filled with spectacularly hilarious confessions that anyone can identify with. A wonderfully light-hearted and honest performance from Rebecca Schwarz, who then dares to bare her dark side with an intensity that boasts the best of her stunning voice. Bloody brilliant.”

There is much more information about my show on my site at

The Kickstarter link is

I hope to see you there.

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