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Loads of chances to see performances!


December is always a month of lots of performances and 2018 is no different.

Cantare Choir are performing 3 times in December and you can also see the Hippodrome Musical Theatre Youth Company perform our special, promenade performance all over the theatre’s public spaces.

Cantare Performances are at:-

1 December, 5.30 at New Street Station.

23 December, 11.00  the church at Croome.

8 December is very busy for me.

12-1 Hippodrome Musical Theatre Youth Company performance at  The Hippodrome

3.30 – 4.45 Cantare Choir performing at Kings Norton Christmas Tree Lighting Event.  I am also conducting a massed choir of local choirs singing 3 carols afterwards, we hope that the audience will all join in! Please note that this time has just changed to a slightly earlier time.

Hope to see you there!